

Science | الصف الرابع الإبتدائي – الترم الثاني – فيديوهات – مستر أحمد ندا

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فيديوهات شرح تعليمية لمنهج Science الصف الرابع الابتدائي الفصل الدراسي الثاني المنهج الدراسي

مستر أحمد ندا

شرح منهج science رابعة ابتدائي

شرح ساينس رابعة ابتدائي 


  • 3 Sections
  • 29 Lessons
  • 0m Duration
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Unit 1
12 Lessons
  1. Energy and Fuel
  2. Devices and Energy
  3. Devices and Energy
  4. Energy and Fuel
  5. Energy and Fuel
  6. Energy and Fuel
  7. About Fuel
  8. About Fuel
  9. About Fuel
  10. About Fuel
  11. About Fuel
  12. About Fuel
Unit 2
6 Lessons
  1. Renewable Energy Resources
  2. Renewable Energy Resources
  3. Renewable Energy Resources
  4. Renewable Energy Resources
  5. Renewable Energy Resources
  6. Renewable Energy Resources
Unit 3
11 Lessons
  1. Change and Stability
  2. Change and Stability
  3. Change and Stability
  4. Change and Stability
  5. Change and Stability
  6. Change and Stability
  7. Change and Stability
  8. Change and Stability
  9. Change and Stability
  10. Change and Stability
  11. Change and Stability
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