
Math | الصف الثاني الابتدائي – الترم الأول – فيديوهات – مستر هشام النجدي

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فيديوهات شرح تعليمية لمنهج الماث الصف الثاني الابتدائي الفصل الدراسي الأول المنهج الدراسي

لمستر هشام النجدي

شرح منهج ماث ثانية ابتدائي

شرح Math ثانية ابتدائي الجديد


  • 6 Sections
  • 60 Lessons
  • 0m Duration
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Chapter One
10 Lessons
  1. Lesson 1 - Bar Graph Chart
  2. Lesson 2 - Make a Bar Graph Chart
  3. Lesson 3 - Horizontal Bar Graph Chart
  4. Lesson 4 - Table and bar graph
  5. Lesson 5 - Bar graph with a scale of 2
  6. Lesson 6 - Solving problem about Bar Graph Date
  7. Lesson 7 - Bar graph with a scale of 10
  8. Lesson 8 - Collecting data
  9. Lesson 9 - Pictograph
  10. Lesson 10 - Pictograph and bar graph
Chapter Two
10 Lessons
  1. Lesson 11 - Doubles - Doubles plus one
  2. Lesson 12 - Counting on to add and subtract
  3. Lesson 13 - Adding or subtracting 10
  4. Lesson 14 - Make a 10 to add and subtract
  5. Lesson 15 - Addition word problems
  6. Lesson 16 - Subtraction word problems
  7. Lesson 17 - Finding a missing addend
  8. Lesson 18 - Finding a missing subtrahend
  9. Lesson 19 - Practice to find missing addend & subtrahend
  10. Lesson 20 - Addition and subtraction activity
Chapter Three
10 Lessons
  1. Lesson 21 - Ones, tens and hundreds
  2. Lesson 22 - Value and place value
  3. Lesson 23 - Standard and expanded form of 3-digit number
  4. Lesson 24 - Writing numbers in word form
  5. Lesson 25 - Writing numbers 11 to 19
  6. Lesson 26 - Standard and expanded activity
  7. Lesson 27 - Comparing numbers using
  8. Lesson 28 - Comparing 3-digit numbers
  9. Lesson 29 - Ordering numbers
  10. Lesson 30 - Ordering numbers in different forms
Chapter Four
10 Lessons
  1. Lesson 31 - Adding in any order
  2. Lesson 32 - Counting on and counting back
  3. Lesson 33 - Decomposing a 2-digit number
  4. Lesson 34 - Adding tens and ones
  5. Lesson 35 - Subtracting tens and ones
  6. Lesson 36 - Estimation to add and subtract 2-digit numbers
  7. Lesson 37 - Accepted or not accepted estimation
  8. Lesson 38 - Regrouping for addition
  9. Lesson 39 - Adding with or without regrouping
  10. Lesson 40 - Adding four 2-digit numbers
Chapter Five
10 Lessons
  1. Lesson 41 - Two-dimensional shapes ( 2D shapes )
  2. Lesson 42 - Sorting 2D shapes
  3. Lesson 43 - Drawing two-dimensional shapes
  4. Lesson 44 - Application on two-dimensional shapes
  5. Lesson 45 - Measuring length ( Centimeter )
  6. Lesson 46 - Measuring length Centimeter & meter
  7. Lesson 47 - Measuring to Centimeter (2)
  8. Lesson 48 - Three-dimensional shapes ( Solids ) (2)
  9. Lesson 49 - Sorting 3D shapes (2)
  10. Lesson 50 - Making solids
Chapter Six
10 Lessons
  1. Lesson 51 - Gram and kilogram
  2. Lesson 52 - Estimating & comparing masses
  3. Lesson 53 - Solving addition problems involving mass
  4. Lesson 54 - Solving problems involving mass
  5. Lesson 55 - Time A.M. & P.M
  6. Lesson 56 - Time activity
  7. Lesson 57 - Telling time to the half hour
  8. Lesson 58 - Telling time to the hour and half hour
  9. Lesson 59 - Time to 15 minutes and 45 minutes
  10. Lesson 60 - Quarter past & quarter to
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